Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday Link Love: Gluten-Free Cooking Blogs

I've always been a voracious reader of cookbooks, cooking blogs, random recipes clipped from newspapers, you name it. I love to try new recipes, from good old home-cooked favorites to rather involved over-the-top creations with way too many ingredients.

Now that I'm adjusting my diet in the hopes of finding some relief from my endometriosis symptoms, rather than feeling stifled and limited in what I can cook, I'm discovering a whole new world of cookbooks and cooking blogs and random recipes from newspapers I might have overlooked before.

Cooking and eating can be a bit more challenging when you ditch gluten or dairy or eggs or whatever it might be you're thinking of eliminating because of endo. It's true. But cooking and eating can also become an adventure, where you're challenged in a good way—to try new ingredients and get creative and become incredibly thoughtful about what it is you're making and consuming.

I didn't really intend to hop on my soapbox before I shared my links this week, but I think I may have just done that. Sorry. It happens to me. Often.

Anyhow. Before I fully committed to eliminating wheat from my diet, I bought the cookbook Gluten-Free Girl and the Chef. I devoured it, not only because it has wonderful recipes but also because the authors tell a really great story, too. Cooking to me is so much better when it's not a chore but an inspiration, a tale unto itself.

Then I started pinning gluten-free recipes I came across on Pinterest.

And I started finding more and more gluten-free cooking blogs to follow. They run the gamut, from the sort that offer easy, on-the-table-fast meals with simple ingredients to those that are rather aspirational, five-star-restaurant-caliber affairs.

One cool thing, too, is that a lot of these gluten-free cooking bloggers are conscientious about not only gluten but also other typical allergens people might be avoiding. The Gluten-Free Girl and the Chef blog regularly recommends non-dairy substitutions for things. And Against the Grain has handy little icons at the top of each post that let you know when a recipe is sans wheat, nuts, dairy, gluten, etc. This can be incredibly helpful for women who are on the endometriosis diet.

If you're looking for some new food ideas, I suggest you check these out.

Gluten-Free Girl and the Chef
Against the Grain
This Gluten-Free Life
Discover Gluten Freedom
Gluten Free Cooking School

What other great gluten-free cooking blogs did I miss?

P.S. The photos are a sampling of the gluten-free recipes I've made recently. I promise to share some of them in detail soon!

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